What We Do
Green Transition
We support a green transition to a 100% fossil fuel free economy on a time line determined by the best available science. This transition must be based on principals of justice that prioritize human need over the profits of energy companies.
United for Climate Justice
A just transition can only be achieved through a united movement of all those directly affected by climate change and pollution from fossil fuels.
We support the immediate implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and adherence to the principal of Free, Prior and Informed Consent for all projects on First Nations territory.
We support the right of local communities to deny permission for fossil fuel projects that threaten their economy, health and environment.
We support a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry, paid for by fossil fuel companies, that retrains them and provides them with good jobs in building a green economy.
Mass Mobilization
We build grass roots mass mobilizations in support of campaigns to stop fossil fuel projects and for socially just green alternatives that create jobs and address the climate crisis.
Movement Building
Our monthly meetings provide a hub for the diverse strands of the climate justice movement to come together to discuss strategy, organize, mobilize and coordinate efforts for maximum effect.