Hey Trudeau! Shut Down the TMX Pipeline! People & Planet Before Pipelines and Profit!
July 5, 2024

Record setting and deadly heat waves in Canada and around the world and devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean are just two of the signs of ongoing climate chaos facing humanity and the planet. Every day there are more reasons that we must fight back in defense of Mother Earth and more reasons that our fight against the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX) is not over. We must unite and raise our voices loud and clear: Trudeau, shut down the TMX pipeline now!
For the past two months, oil tankers carrying toxic bitumen (an especially flammable and toxic type of oil) from the TMX pipeline have been leaving from Westridge Terminal in Burnaby, at the average rate of 341,000 barrels per day. This has increased from a record of 93,000 barrels per day in 2018. TMX is a climate disaster already, and the beginning of oil shipments is a ticking time bomb for further climate destruction.
As Forest Fires Rage – Money for Housing, Education, and Healthcare Not Pipelines!
No New Pipelines in a Climate Emergency! Stop TMX!
Climate Convergence Statement
July 29, 2023

By mid-June 2023, thousands of out of control forest fires across Canada had already burned 59,000 square kilometers. Tens of thousands of people had been forced to leave their homes and communities. A thick smoke and poor air quality covered much of Canada and parts of the United States. This fire season, not even half-over, is already the most destructive on record.
It is no coincidence that an increase in devastating forest fires in Canada has come at the same time as record high global temperatures and increasing climate chaos. Hotter overall temperatures and more drought, as well as the forest pests and diseases that thrive in these conditions, mean more fuel for fires to burn.
No New Pipelines in a Climate Emergency!
Stop the TMX & CGL Pipelines!
People & Planet Before Pipelines & Profit!
Climate Convergence Statement
August 4, 2022

According to the NASA space agency, global temperatures this June were the second hottest since records were first kept in 1880. Alongside the sweltering heat, the climate catastrophe has brought forest fires, droughts, and record floods – among other extreme weather events that threaten all of humanity and disproportionately target the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized people.
Massive oil and gas corporations, and the government’s that enable their destruction, are responsible for the vast majority of global greenhouse gas emissions and incalculable environmental ruin that has brought about the climate crisis. These same corporations – Exxon Mobile, Shell, and Chevron to name a few, have continued to bring in record profits despite their complicity in the destruction of the planet. Aviel Verbruggen, an energy economist at the University of Antwerp, recently analyzed that these corporations have been raking in an outrageous $2.8 billion USD per day in profits for the last 50 years at the expense of people and the planet.

Trudeau “Emissions Reduction Plan” is a Recipe for Climate Disaster
Climate Convergence Statement
April 3, 2022
On March 29, 2022, the Trudeau Liberal government released the “2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Canada’s Next Steps to Clean Air and a Strong Economy.” This $9.1 billion plan claims to provide the roadmap for Canada to achieve its 2030 emissions reductions targets and reach net-zero emissions in 2050. Instead, it is nothing but a pretty package that hides more oil and gas extraction and export. Trudeau is selling us electric cars while continuing the business-as-usual environmental destruction.
The Trudeau government would also like us to forget that since the Rio de Janeiro world climate conference in 1992, no government in Canada has ever met a climate target. Although this plan professes to provide the pathway to meeting the targets for the first time, a closer look reveals that it is nothing but a sham. Trudeau’s “Emissions Reduction Plan” enables:

VPD Hands Off Climate Justice Activists!
Climate Convergence Statement
November 13, 2021
On November 12, over 250 people gathered in downtown Vancouver for the “United for Climate Justice!” rally and march. This action was organized by 13 different Lower Mainland climate justice organizations to mark the last day of the COP26 United Nations Climate Summit. The plaza was filled with people from all walks of life coming together to demand climate action from the government of Canada, carrying beautiful banners and signs with strong messages, ready for a powerful united march through the streets of downtown Vancouver.
However, this peaceful gathering was severely disrupted when the Vancouver Police forcibly arrested three young climate justice activists. These young people were participating in a ceremony where they used washable red paint to leave handprints on the building housing the department of Environment and Climate Change.

Climate Convergence Statement
November 12, 2021
The United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow is now coming to a close. The Trudeau government once again try hard to portray itself to the world as a leader on climate action. This could not be any farther away from the truth.
After promising that “Canada is back!” at the COP21 meeting in Paris, the Trudeau government’s record six years later has done nothing but go backwards:
Aug, 13, 2021
Canada Is the Highest Emitter of Greenhouse Gases!
During the Vietnam War a United States military officer reportedly told an AP journalist, “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” On August 9, 2021, the Liberal government applied the same brutal logic to the climate emergency, claiming that the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) pipeline is needed to fund Canada’s already insufficient emission reduction commitments. Really, what Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Wilkinson are saying is, “We need to destroy the planet to save it.”

Site-C Dam Must Go!
BC Government Re-Commits to Site C Dam
More Excuses, Dishonest and Money Wasted.
May 1, 2021
In a press conference on February 26, 2021 heavy on excuses and light on accountability, BC NDP Premier John Horgan announced that the government would continue building the Site C mega-dam in the Peace River Valley of BC. The partial information Horgan released proves what many have warned since the project was first given approval in 2014, and the sheer amount of excuses and dishonesty on display during the press conference merit a rebuttal.
Climate Convergence Statement on Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline
January 18, 2021
Despite a two-week construction pause at the end of December 2021, recent news has exposed that Prime Minister Trudeau and Trans Mountain remain committed to building the destructive Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX).
Trans Mountain has started off the new year by applying to the Federal government for permission to bypass City of Burnaby permitting requirements. This would pave the way for Trans Mountain tear down more than 1,300 trees on public and private land in Burnaby alone.
Is Any Political Party Serious About Climate Crisis?
Climate Convergence Statement on British Columbia Provincial Election
Wednesday, October 21

Climate Convergence banner action, October 21, 2020
On October 24, the provincial election will be held in British Columbia. From the standpoint of tackling the climate crisis, there has not been significant progress in British Columbia over the last three and a half years. All climate indicators clearly tell us that we are at the same place where we were before the last provincial election in 2017. The best that the minority government of Premier John Horgan – a coalition government of NDP and Green Party – could do has been to zigzag on all major environmental emergencies. This has meant big delays in making decisions on key environmental issues that would improve the urgent climate crisis facing British Columbia.
Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver Statement on Day of Throne Speech
September 23, 2020
We are living in extraordinary times. Not only has a global pandemic caused immeasurable disruption to all of our lives – in recent weeks a string of wildfires have scorched the west coast of North America and choked the skies with dark smoke. We have been quite literally surrounded by the ongoing global climate crisis.

Dear Oil and Gas Workers,
As climate and social justice activists, we acknowledge that you need help and solidarity right now. It may surprise you to learn that we believe the common ground we share far outweighs the number of issues on which we differ. More importantly, we wish you and your loved ones well, and we are not your enemy.

A statement by Climate Convergence
Climate Convergence sends our love and solidarity to everyone around the world fighting in defense of our communities and our mother earth during these difficult times. The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenging and uncertain times. We are very much looking forward to the day we can be on the streets with all of you – fighting for climate justice and the better world we all believe in. For the time being that’s not possible, but we wanted to reach out and say that we are committed to this struggle, and to finding safe ways to keep fighting.
Climate Convergence Statement – February 6, 2020
No TMX and CGL Pipelines!
Unfair, Unjust and Unacceptable Government Attacks Won’t Stop the Struggle
In only one week the government of Canada has trampled Indigenous rights in favour of climate killing pipeline projects twice. First, there was the Federal Court of Appeal ruling in favour of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX). Now they have arrested and attacked Wet’suwet’en land defenders in an attempt make way for the Coastal Gaslink (CGL) pipeline. The struggle against TMX and CGL, and in defense of Indigenous rights and Mother Earth continues!

Ottawa Photo by Brent Patterson
The Federal Court of Appeals has done its best to ignore the obvious on TMX: It is impossible for the Federal government, which has already purchased a pipeline project for $4.5 billion dollars, to retroactively consult in good faith as to whether or not they should build it

Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation – No Coastal Gas Link Pipeline!
No Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion!
People and Planet Before Pipelines and Profit!
January 29 Film Screening Fundraiser for Unist’ot’en Camp: https://www.facebook.com/events/843044636133592/
As 2020 begins, two key struggles against massive polluting pipeline projects are already ramping up. This presents urgent challenges and opportunities for the growing climate justice movement. As global warming and the climate crisis escalate to increasingly dangerous levels – united and committed mass opposition to both the Coastal Gas Link (CGL) and Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) Pipelines are key to setting the tone for this decisive decade