A new government report and announcement on the Site C Dam is expected any day now. We need to use the opportunity to demand elected representatives take action to cancel this disastrous mega-project once and for all!

You can use all or part of the sample letter below, or write your own letter emphasizing all the important reasons you believe cancelling Site C is the best possible course of action.

If you would like to check out the Cancel Site C Dam Brochure for more information, you can click here, https://www.climateconvergence.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Cancel-Site-C-Dam-Brochure.pdf

If you would like to target specific MLAs in your area, you can find their contact information here: https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members

There is also an easy online tool that allows you to e-mail all 87 MLAs at once here: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/write-your-mla-to-say-make-cancelling-the-site-c-dam-your-new-years-resolution

This will also be coordinated on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

Please make sure to keep us up to date on who you’ve contacted and how they are responding – this will help us work on a coordinated and effective follow up.

This is urgent! Please take the time to write a letter to your MLA, and ask that your friends, family and co-workers do the same. There’s still time to Stop Site C!

Thank you for participating!

In Solidarity,
Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver



Today I am writing urge you to help stop the Site C Dam. There is still time – and lots of great reasons – to act. When Peter Millburn’s report on Site C is released there will be another opportunity for the government to cancel this failing mega-project once and for all. Here is the short list why so many organizations and individuals think putting an end to the Site C Dam is so important:

– The estimated cost of Site C has almost doubled to $12 billion. BC Hydro now refuses to make new public estimates of the costs, which is deeply troubling.

– The Prophet River Band and the West Moberly First Nation, whose territories the dam would flood, have always been clearly opposed to the project. The provincial government has passed legislation to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2019. Now it is time to enact “free, prior and informed consent” as outlined by UNDRIP.

– In the era of COVID-19 and the uncertainty it brings to international food supply chains, local food security is more important than ever. The Peace Rive Valley has the proven capacity to grow enough fresh fruit and vegetables to feed a million people per year indefinitely – if it is not flooded.

– Solar farms in Alberta are now being built for about $1 million per megawatt of capacity. It would take as little as little as $1.1 billion to equal the capacity of the Site C Dam. Instead, the taxpayers and Hydro customers in BC are facing endless spending.

– There are currently approximately 5000 workers at the Site C Dam – all of which are trying to do their best to support themselves and their families. Why not use the savings from cancelling Site C to provide them with the chance to work on meaningful projects that benefit communities? Let’s build and repair schools, hospitals, community centres, libraries, roads, and much more!

We all know the Site C project would never pass the reasonable assessment that would be required of any other publicly funded infrastructure project. We are asking you to do the right thing, to publicly demand the cancelling of the Site C dam and do everything within your power as an elected representative and person of conscience to make this happen. There are thousands of people across the province who are willing to work with you to make this happen.

I look forward to hearing back from you at this critical time for our planet.

Thank you for your time and consideration